I’ve come across many talented creators in my travels. Some have put up with me long enough to get acquainted. These are that brave few.

Gem Clark, talented multi-RPG gamesmistress and creator of RPG accessories. Runs offline and online campaigns or one-offs. Find out more at gemthegm.co.uk

Stu Dickson, a phenomenal artist working in traditional and digital media. Browse his work at deviantart.com/StuArt3127

Cliff Eastabrook is the finest spoken-word storyteller I know. Find out more at www.thetravellingtalesman.co.uk

Jon Glendening, freelance film producer and author. Find him at www.glendening.co.uk

Vanessa Knott, a brilliant artist and illustrator who specialises in ink drawing and calligraphy. Discover her work at phoenix-gray.com

Simon Mitchener, CGI artist and hobbyist. Browse his work at simonjm.deviantart.com

R and M Manga. Two friends, author and illustrator, who create spirited manga. Find details on their Instagram @official_dearthair

Frankie Ray, a gifted miniature painter, TTRPG enthusiast, and creator of a host of essentials for your TTRPG lifestyle. Explore their creating world at tabletoptinkering.com

Carl Weatherley, artist and tattooist. The man who did all of my ink. See his work at https://www.facebook.com/people/Desire-2-inspire-tattoo/100054632521120/

Robert White, comic creator and illustrator. His slightly crazed comic series Versus can be read here versuscomicbook.blogspot.co.uk

Lou Yardley, horror author and weirdo. Find her at louyardley.com